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3,855 Stories

Nancy Photo
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Nancy Howard Beach, NY spine Image Spine Injury/Condition
Michele Photo
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Michele Washington, DC hip Image Hip Replacement
Melinda New York, NY

"Within a week I had less pain from that foot than I’d had in at least a year, and now five months later I am a new person, walking as much as I want to with total abandon."

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foot Image Toe Injury/Condition
Eugene Rye, NY

"For the first time in my life I have both legs the same length, I no longer wear a lift and I don’t walk with a limp. I feel great, I was back playing golf seven months after surgery and I resumed skiing this January without a specially fitted ski boot. "

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leg Image Limb Lengthening
Rachel Virginia Beach, VA

"Thanks to Dr. Robert Buly, my theme this year is "I will because I can." "

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hip Image Hip Replacement
James Little Falls, NJ

" I called Dr. Mayman and scheduled an appointment at which time I was told I needed a TKR. The procedure was done on the 25th of March 2010 and was an absolute success."

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knee Image Knee Replacement
Betsy Ann Arbor, MI

"I actually carry lots of Dr. Mayman's cards and hand them out to anyone who talks with me about knee pain. I live in Ann Arbor, MI and would travel any distance to work with Dr. Mayman. Thank you HSS."

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knee Image Knee Replacement
Paul Miller Place, NY

"At a dance I tripped on a chair, fell on my left side, and my left femur separated from my hip. Being in much pain, the local fire department took me to a nearby hospital in Long Island where I was operated on the next day for a partial hip replacement. Everything was going great but after five weeks I developed a staph infection that put me back in the hospital for 25 days. The prosthesis was removed, I was on intravenous antibiotics for eight weeks and spent the next eight months in a wheelchair."

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hip Image Hip Revision Surgery
Meghan Photo
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Meghan Bridgewater, NJ leg Image Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Alice Centerport, NY

"Although my surgery may be considered minor by some, neither Dr. Elliott nor HSS treated me with any less care or attention. The pride which everyone takes is palpable. "

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foot Image Ankle Injury/Condition
Deborah Plainview, NY

"I walked into HSS and the waiting area was very nice and comfortable. My doctor, Dr. Andrew Elliott was great and my foot has healed wonderfully. I am so pleased with the whole experience. "

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foot Image Foot Injury/Condition
Ann L. New York, NY

"I recovered from the operation quickly and easily. I am now free of back pain, able to walk without inhibition and looking forward to the moment at the end of the month when I can once again bend over and touch my toes – or, more usefully, tie my shoelaces."

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spine Image Spine Laminectomy