"After suffering for many years I decided that my only course of action would be surgery. I researched many doctors and hospitals before choosing the hospital for special surgery and Dr. Alexander Hughes as my physician. I had bulging discs, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, and arthritis. These conditions prevented me from standing for more than a few minutes and not being able to walk one block without severe pain."

"From the moment I became Andrew Sama's patient, my life took a turn for the better. I became a patient of an entire body of caregivers, educators, and professionals. "

"I had my procedure on March 3rd, 2014 and went back to very mild weight lifting after about 6 weeks and then returned to a modified training schedule after 12 weeks. I then continued to train while "listening to my body" and returned to full strength in about 5 or 6 months. Again, paying careful attention to technique and my body. I am extremely grateful to be able to continue to train and expect to go back to competing in the very near future."

"This commendation goes to the team effort of three specific individuals that made it possible for me to continue to walk and live a normal unrestricted life. It started with the keen skills of Dr. Brian Halpern who instantly recognized that my sudden onset of shin splints was a serious lower back problem that had developed. I was training at 65 to take my first vacation in years to go climbing in the Alps."