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3,751 Stories

Chase Photo
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Chase San Diego, CA spine Image Herniated Disc
Jorge Photo
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Jorge Jersey City, NJ hip Image Hip Impingement
Brenna Frederick, MD

"Before surgery, I could not do any physical activity involving my hip. At the time I was a swimmer. Every day after practice, my teammates would have to help me out of the pool because of the pain. Even outside of practice, my hip would affect every aspect of my life. My experience at Hospital for Special Surgery was nothing but positive. Although recovery was difficult, the staff was very friendly and concerned about making the process as smooth and pain free as they possibly could. Since the surgery, my hip has become completely pain free and I am more active than ever!"

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hip Image Hip Injury/Condition
Meghan Photo
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Meghan Bridgewater, NJ leg Image Cerebral Palsy (CP)
Emerson Photo
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Emerson Port Hope, ON, Canada hip Image Hip Labral Tear
Lisa Lake Worth, FL

"Dr. Kelly and his team were amazing, the surgery went really well and recovery was very straight forward. I am based in Florida but I didn't feel the distance, any queries I had were quickly answered and I felt I got all the support I needed. I was back running at 4 months post op, back at soccer at 7 months and completed my first ever half marathon just under one year post op. I know that I made the right choice with Dr. Kelly and HSS."

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hip Image Hip Impingement
Stefanie Philadelphia, PA

"The staff at HSS were amazing and took excellent care of me. After rigorous physical therapy and my favorite, Active Release Therapy, I was able to slowly increase my activity levels. Now, I am running 25K trail runs, hiking the Presidential Traverse, and completing high intensity workouts. I am in better shape than I was before I even started having hip pain!"

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hip Image Hip Labral Tear
Nancy Photo
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Nancy Howard Beach, NY spine Image Spine Injury/Condition
Adina Edwards, CO

" I drove from Philly to NYC to see Dr Kelly in Oct. of 2008, and I knew from the minute that I met him that he was going to change my life. Dr. Kelly repaired my right hip in 2008 and my left hip in 2012. I choose not to run marathons anymore, but I mountain bike, hike, play volleyball, surf, ski and snowboard with no pain at all. I am thankful everyday that I met Dr. Kelly and his team!!!"

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hip Image Hip Injury/Condition
Joseph Photo
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Joseph St. James, NY knee Image Knee Injury/Condition
Monica Photo
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Monica Great Meadows, NJ hip Image Hip Replacement
Megan Photo
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Megan Ridgefield, CT leg Image Hamstring Injury/Condition