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3,751 Stories

John Tarrytown, NY

"I was scheduled immediately when I first called for a visit with Dr. Jerabek and was treated extraordinarily well by his office. The first visit was fully informative and I felt free and well equipped to make my decision regarding surgery."

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hip Image Hip Replacement
Robert Oak Beach, NY

" Thank you for helping me resume my life again with NO pain. It is a miracle and I cannot express to you how grateful I am for your care from the first appointment until the final follow-up appointment."

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hip Image Hip Replacement
Rachel Virginia Beach, VA

"Thanks to Dr. Robert Buly, my theme this year is "I will because I can." "

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hip Image Hip Replacement
Christine R. Wayne, NJ

"HSS has only the BEST DOCTORS on staff, and Dr. MacGillivray adds to their prestigious reputation. From this point on, HSS will be my one stop shopping for superior medical care."

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knee Image Torn Meniscus
Antonio São Paulo, Brazil

"I go down stairs, surf, ride skateboard, all of them without pain. For giving me back all my mobility without pain, I will be eternally grateful to Dr. Rozbruch. "

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foot Image Broken Ankle
Jason Rego Park, NY

"I have a history of being careless and prone to injuries. This resulted in 3 knee injuries in the past 5 years, two ACLs and a meniscus repair."

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knee Image ACL Injury
Sarah Photo
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Sarah Staten Island, NY knee Image Knee Injury/Condition
Paulette Photo
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Paulette Brooklyn, NY spine Image Spinal Stenosis
Rick Merrick, NY

"Being an ice hockey goalie for over 40 years had wreaked havoc on both of my hips, but I still wanted to continue to play. In January of 2009, I had hip resurfacing done by Dr. Geoffrey Westrich at HSS."

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hip Image Hip Resurfacing
James Photo
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James New Windsor, NY hip Image Hip Resurfacing
Rita Brooklyn, NY

"After surgery with Dr. Craig, I felt another person. Thanks to Dr. Craig and to HSS, I can move my arm, do all kinds of chores, and play with my grandkids."

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shoulder Image Shoulder Replacement
Maurice Sunbury, PA

"As a teenage athlete, I suffered from chronic shoulder dislocations. After TWO unsuccessful Putty-Platt procedures, I dislocated during a semi-pro football game and was taken to NY Hospital's Emergency Room. After many unsuccessful attempts to reduce my shoulder, the decision was made to sedate me as the attempts were very painful. After meeting with the late Dr. John Marshall, the then NY Giants Orthopedic Physician, he decided to take me on as a patient. We discussed the new concept of Sports Medicine and I would be one of his first patients. "

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shoulder Image Dislocated Shoulder