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3,755 Stories

Rose Photo
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Rose Naples, FL hip Image Hip Replacement
Ned Falmouth, ME

" I have told all who will listen about the Hospital for Special Surgery. It was more than good care, it was superb care."

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foot Image Ankle Replacement
Alan Boulder, CO

"I'm an avid cyclist, skier, and hiker and at age 61 I broke my wrist mountain biking in Boulder, CO. It was an awful break with an equally horrible second opinion telling me I didn't require surgery. I was lucky enough to get an appointment with Dr. Lee in NYC for a consult. He immediately diagnosed my wrist as improper bone healing, ligament damage, deformation and suggested surgery either back in Colorado or with him. I realized rather quickly that there was only one doctor I would trust to fix me and that was Dr. Lee."

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hand Image Broken Wrist
Paul Canaan, NY

"By the end of the first week I was walking up and down stairs and by the end of February I was driving my car. I started to play golf again on May 1st. "

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hip Image Hip Replacement
Mim Photo
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Mim Stony Brook, NY leg Image Bow Legs
William Alexandria, VA

"Hospital For Special Surgery (HSS) was the very "BEST" of all hospitals I have been treated in during the past 80 years. The orientation for my hip replacement for all levels of the processes removed all concerns and resulted in my positive attitude going into the operation. Knowing I was in the best hands with Dr. Chitanjan Ranawat it could not have been better - a total success."

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hip Image Hip Replacement
Melinda New York, NY

"Within a week I had less pain from that foot than I’d had in at least a year, and now five months later I am a new person, walking as much as I want to with total abandon."

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foot Image Toe Injury/Condition
Michelle Fair Haven, NJ

"Two weeks later, I was back to work, using my newly pain free hands! My family, friends & clients could not believe & were impressed with my recovery time."

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hand Image Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Michael Rumson, NJ

"Thanks to Dr. Rozbruch and his staff, my future in racing is bright and I am now training for my eleventh full Ironman in 2012. "

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leg Image Bow Legs
Michael Northport, NY

"The whole process at HSS was fantastic - If you lie in pain each night because of your hips, just get it replaced."

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hip Image Hip Replacement
Lyudmila Eaton, NJ

"Doctors like him born to be doctors. It's in their DNA."

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spine Image Spine Injury/Condition
Brian Photo
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Brian Rego Park, NY foot Image Ankle Injury/Condition