

"I continue to enjoy my favorite sport on a weekly basis and have no exercise limitations and absolutely no hip pain. I'm also enjoying improved back strength and posture, along with a relaxed gait and much better energy. "

"5 weeks ago I got a right hip re-surfacing. I feel blessed. I have my life back. Zero pain. Strength and flexibility are back. Everyday better."

"I am able to play singles tennis, hike, cycle and have a range of motion that is incredible. Dr. Su and HSS were amazing in every aspect of my recovery. "

"I would highly recommend HSS in any of their specialties. Thank You for giving me my active life back!!!"

"I am 56 and underwent bi-lateral hip resurfacing at HSS by Dr. Su on March 4, 2014. Surgery time was an amazing 3.5 hours. In addition to osteoarthritis in both hips, I had significant deformity to my left femoral head and socket and leg shortening with affected the alignment of my entire pelvic region. Dr Su put it this way to me "you were a challenging case"."