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3,753 Stories

Jonathan Hillsborough, NJ

"From my first visit with Dr. Wyss, I couldn't have been more happy with the decision I made. Dealing with a chronic knee condition involves patience, knowing your limitations, and dedication. He discussed my condition in thorough fashion, provided a detailed outline of options, but most importantly gave me hope and assurance."

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knee Image Kneecap/Patella Injury/Condition
Lewis West New York, NJ

"By the way, my hip is 100% pain free and I feel like a new man. "

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hip Image Hip Injury/Condition
Kathleen New York, NY

"I fell and broke my ankle during hurricane Irene while upstate. We were stranded by the flood and I was evacuated by Army helicopter on Monday after the storm to a local hospital where they operated on part of my ankle on Tuesday. I transferred to HSS on Friday where I met with Dr. David Helfet and his team. The first thing they said to me after reviewing my X-rays was "you need us and we will fix this.""

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foot Image Broken Ankle
Joseph Setauket, NY

"I am able to play singles tennis, hike, cycle and have a range of motion that is incredible. Dr. Su and HSS were amazing in every aspect of my recovery. "

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hip Image Hip Resurfacing
Dov Englewood, NJ

"I am telling this story after seeing and experiencing the incredible work that Dr. Rozbruch has done to better peoples lives when conventional medical advice is to say: stop running or there is nothing we can do or have more needless knee surgery. I hope that others with limb discrepancies and other similar issues can be healed by Dr. Rozbruch's fine work."

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knee Image Limb Lengthening
David Photo
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David New York, NY spine Image Spine Injury/Condition
Eric Norwalk, CT

"My knee feels better than ever. I laugh when I think back to my original doctor who told me I would never play again. Dr. Warren gave me back my playing career and a huge piece of my life. I am forever grateful to that man."

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knee Image ACL Injury
Edythe (Edie) S. Mt. Arlington, NJ

"I only look forward now, to my morning walks around the lake where I live, and most of all with quality time my nine year old granddaughter to go wherever she wants to go. "

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spine Image Spine Fusion
Ellen O. Bethlehem, PA

"As a 'young' candidate for a knee replacement at 40 years old in 2000, exhaustive research led me to Dr. Haas at HSS in NYC. The course of my life was forever changed by his talent as a surgeon, sharing of knowledge and most of all, compassion of a magnitude that required nothing less than me paying that same compassion forward. "

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knee Image Knee Replacement
Ellen West Nyack, NY

"I have had three procedures at HSS in 2013/14. Dr. Bostrom did an extraordinary knee arthroscopy and I have regained full knee range minus pain. Dr. Darren Lebl replaced discs in my back and neck. I am just amazed at his skill and technique, I barely have a scar! I went in with a terrible pain in my arm and shoulder, I had a scar on my neck from previous cervical surgery, and I could scarcely believe that all these issues were resolved."

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knee Image Knee Injury/Condition
Emma D New York, NY

"After nearly a year of hard-to-manage pain caused particularly by the lower back disc problem, the surgery relieved the pain and within four months of the surgeries, I was back to jogging in Central Park. "

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spine Image Spine Fusion
Kenneth Wanaque, NJ

"I am a professional Martial Arts instructor and was able after completing rehab to demonstrate moves I had not been able to show for years. "

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hip Image Hip Replacement