3,751 Stories From the Community

Marielaina Massapequa, NY

"I have had many surgeries and stayed in many different hospitals and never experienced care like I did at HSS. I have been recommending it and bragging about it ever since."

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spine Image Discectomy
Alicia Smithtown, NY

"Prior to my surgery, I was having difficulty walking, standing straight and just doing everyday life activities. My doctor and his staff are very nice and he has bed side manners. I have told many people what a great hospital I was in and a great experience that I had there. "

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hip Image Hip Replacement
Daniel T. Babylon, NY

"Since my total hip replacement I have gone skiing, played ice hockey, surfed, and I just returned from a hiking and fishing expedition in Olympic Park. None of these activities had been possible prior to my surgery, but now I enjoy them all with absolutely no pain."

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hip Image Hip Replacement
Robert Anthony Lynchburg, VA

"I got out of bed the next morning with a walker and had my leg flat on the ground and knew that this was very different from all my other surgeries. I knew right away that he had done something miraculous. "

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knee Image Knee Replacement
Paula Photo
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Paula Township of Washington, NJ hip Image Hip Replacement
Paul Miller Place, NY

"At a dance I tripped on a chair, fell on my left side, and my left femur separated from my hip. Being in much pain, the local fire department took me to a nearby hospital in Long Island where I was operated on the next day for a partial hip replacement. Everything was going great but after five weeks I developed a staph infection that put me back in the hospital for 25 days. The prosthesis was removed, I was on intravenous antibiotics for eight weeks and spent the next eight months in a wheelchair."

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hip Image Hip Revision Surgery
Dawn Photo
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Dawn New Britain, CT leg Image Compartment Syndrome
Homero Photo
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Homero New Canaan, CT knee Image Knee Replacement
Marie Greenwich, CT

"I was using a cane and I was certainly worried about my nursing career. I had a knee replacement with Dr. Haas last June and I've been walking, working, and very grateful."

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knee Image Knee Replacement
Elizabeth Photo
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Elizabeth Bedminster, NJ knee Image Knee Replacement
David Pawling, NY

"Dr. Haas did a fantastic job, the staff at HSS, and I mean everybody I came in contact with were absolutely were terrific, I can't say enough good things about them."

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knee Image Knee Replacement
Lora New York, NY

"My game is not a sport. It's the game of life. I have an autoimmune disease called myositis. My treatment includes oral prednisone and monthly infusions of IVIG. When I first got sick almost 20 years ago I was 44. I was an elementary school teacher but had to leave due to extreme weakness in my arms and legs. I could barely walk or bathe myself. I refused to just give in to the disease and view my life as over. "

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body Image Myositis