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3,751 Stories

Michael Queens, NY

"I met Doctor Austin T. Fragomen and he literally spent the time needed to change my mind set about the operation. I know I was difficult but he hung in there with me."

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foot Image Ankle Fusion
Michael Greenwich, CT

"I could say - "professional, sanitary, careful, responsive, graceful, esprit de corp, smiling""

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hip Image Hip Replacement
Mary Rocky Point, NY

"He told me that in 6 months I would be happy I had it done. Not so! I was happy in 6 weeks and was so scared to have it done but it was the best thing I ever did."

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shoulder Image Shoulder Replacement
Jamie New York, NY

"I have to say that I am able to type this review because of Dr. Lee. He is an amazing, skilled, professional and caring doctor. I had gone through a terrible kitchen incident about six months ago, and after rushing to the ER, was told that I had most likely severed the tendons in my finger, and was referred to Dr. Lee at HSS."

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hand Image Hand Injury/Condition
Linda Edgewater Park, NJ

"I no longer walk bent over and for the first time stand straight. What a miracle."

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hip Image Hip Replacement
Toby Photo
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Toby New York, NY hand Image Broken Wrist
John Orangeburg, NY

"I started seeing Dr. Wyss about 10 months ago after dealing with an orthopedist in Rockland County that was unable to diagnose my condition or provide me any relief from the pain that I was in. Dr. Wyss is an amazing doctor and is the reason that I am back to work today."

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knee Image Knee Injury/Condition
Daved Photo
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Daved Rock Hill, NY spine Image Herniated Disc
Susanne Gladstone, NJ

"I am thrilled beyond belief that the relentless pain in my wrist is now gone. I am so grateful for this successful surgery. "

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hand Image Hand Injury/Condition
Jessica East Hampton, NY

"As far as the success of my surgery, the excruciating pain down my left leg amazingly diminished on the first day post surgery. Without any doubt Dr. Sandhu is a “Top Surgeon” in a world class hospital."

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spine Image Herniated Disc
Shamdai Fair Lawn, NJ

"I cannot say enough how impressed and happy I am with HSS and Doctor Michael Maynard. He is not only a caring doctor but takes care of his patients personally and is always so patient and listen to his patients problems."

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spine Image Shoulder Injury/Condition
Steven Photo
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Steven Commack, NY spine Image Herniated Disc