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Paula Young-Borra

New York, NY
  • Paula Young-Borra in the photo 1

Always athletic, there was no rock I would not climb, no stream too cold to wade into, no sea too deep to swim. My body was strong and true, and the feeling of having reliable and certain movements was a constant.

Then, as luck would have it, things in life happened.

In the attempt to avoid a crossing deer on a country road, my car flipped and wound up in a ditch. Thankfully, two doctors at HSS, the extraordinary Leon Root and the gifted James Farmer were there to help. My neck was fused, and thankfully, my life moved on.

Then, three years ago, while walking on a shiny floor, I slipped on water, flying into the air and landing with a resounding thump on my head and back, both my right knee and foot twisted unceremoniously underneath me like pretzel bits.

Again, thankfully, doctors at HSS were at the ready; Dr. Mark Drakos worked to repair my foot and Thomas Sculco was able to do what other doctors could not, which was to beautifully replace my knee with a functioning one.

Surgery is not always the preferred or easy choice – the lead up to and recovery from can be long, painful, and disheartening. However, knowing that the work done to repair my body was executed at the hands of doctors who are masters at their craft has been a great relief to me.

Mending is happening, and even if not as quickly as this impatient woman would like, I know I am on the path to recovery. I will be always grateful to HSS, and the miracles that are performed within its walls.