I was diagnosed with a stress fracture of the pubic bone prior to coming to HSS. After resting the pain never seemed to go away. When I couldn't fight through it anymore and couldn't compete in triathlons like I wanted to I came to Dr Metzl. X-rays showed I had osteitis pubis and was treated for that. When the pain still did not subside we did another MRI which showed a slight tear of my adductor tendon. Dr Metzl suggested a PRP injection to avoid any type of surgery and get me back into the game quicker. 8 weeks after the procedure I was back running again slowly. This weekend (one day short of 5 months after the day of the injection) I raced the Mighty Montauk triathlon 100% pain free and took 3rd place overall! Feels great to be back and I am looking forward to a great season of racing!