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Viviana Denig

Sunnyside, NY
  • Viviana Denig in the photo 1
  • Viviana Denig in the photo 2
  • Viviana Denig in the photo 3
  • Viviana Denig in the photo 4
  • Viviana Denig in the photo 5
  • Viviana Denig in the photo 6
  • Viviana Denig in the photo 7
  • Viviana Denig in the photo 8
  • Viviana Denig in the photo 9
  • Viviana Denig in the photo 10
  • Viviana Denig in the photo 11
  • Viviana Denig in the photo 12
  • Viviana Denig in the photo 13

I'm a runner for over 20 years and after I ran the 2011 NYC Half Marathon, I started feeling some discomfort in my right knee, but I did not put too much attention. I went to see an orthopedic MD in Astoria and after an MRI and x-rays, he told me that my days as a runner were over, and that was one of the worst feelings that I ever experienced in my life. To know that running was over for me, I got depressed. After a few months I decided to go for a second opinion and I found Dr. Howard Rose at HSS. He ordered a new MRI. He started a series of cortisone injections that helped with the pain, but still I was not able to run. So in a follow up visit he told me that I was a perfect candidate for Dr. Beth Shubin Stein. He referred me to her and since the first visit I knew that she was the one that could help me. Dr. Shubin Stein and her great team were really honest and straight forward with me and she proposed and explained a procedure that can put me "back in the game." I agreed to do the surgery called Tibial Tubercle Transfer with Denovo implant, which was performed in 12/2012. After a year of the surgery I was running again and after almost 2 years, I ran the 2014 TCS NYC Marathon. I can't found have enough words to express how thankful and blessed I am for had a great surgeon such as Dr. Shubin Stein working on my knee. She is my superhero, my Wonder Woman and I'll be grateful for the rest of my life for to give me back the chance of enjoying  again the passion of running. Thank You HSS!