Thomas Ferris

Saint James, NC

Congenital Bilateral Coxa Vara is a rare condition with which I was born 64 years ago. I underwent five surgeries, and osteotomies on both hips from the time I was five years old till the age of fourteen at Saint Vincent's Hospital downtown NYC. Each time with plaster casts from my chest to the tips of my toes, each time followed by leg traction being laid up for several months. There was plenty of home schooling. Dr. Anthony J Pisani operated on me and kept me walking for years as a result of his help.

From the time I was fifteen till the age of 62, during which time I was under the care of two orthopedic physicians who kept tabs on me, but because of my extremely deformed hips and femurs, there was little they could or would be willing to do. As a result, my ability to walk any distance was extremely limited, my right leg was one inch shorter than the left, I walked with a limp, and was in some degree of pain.

During this time, one of the surgeons that I was seeing sent me to Johns Hopkins and also to HSS for opinions by one of each hospitals specialists. They both told me that there was not a procedure available for me at the time, but that I could expect that in approximately twenty years my hips would be replaced.

As time passed and I was in my early sixties, my ability to walk any distance decreased significantly and exhaustion was an everyday event. It was now twenty one years later (just as I was told it would be!)

I proceeded to have appointments with a few surgeons who told me that the operation was too difficult and that they would not operate. I was devastated. My wife then prompted me to call HSS once again to be examined and I was referred to Dr. Robert Buly.

On the day of my appointment my wife and I were seated in Dr. Buly's exam room, my x-Rays were hanging on the screen on the wall with markings, arrows and degrees written around the hips. Dr Buly and his assistant Elaine walked in and he proceeded to examine me and then went to look at the x-Rays. He started to explain how he would do what everyone else said was the unthinkable. I stopped him and said, "Doc, are you saying that you are going to do the operation?" His response: "Of course, why not?" I couldn't believe it. But it was true!

The hips had to be specially made for me based upon a 3-D replica of my pelvis. This took about six months to get them to his specifications. My left hip was replaced in October of 2012, and my right hip was replaced in December of 2012. I am now better than ever. My legs are the same length, No more exhaustion!

Doctor Buly performed a miracle for me, my wife and my family for which we are eternally grateful! I trust him implicitly! The Doctors office staff are terrific! Both Elaine, his assistant, and Briana, his Practice Manager, couldn't be more helpful and considerate.

I can't say enough about Hospital for Special Surgery. What a wonderful and professional staff, from nursing to administrative. The way in which you are guided through a very involved procedure and how the staff makes it so easy on the patient is quite impressive.

Bottom line here is that I will always be thankful and appreciate my experience at HSS and with Doctor Buly. I couldn't have received better care anywhere else!