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Tara B.

Pleasant Valley, NY

We have been blessed with four HSS doctors. Two years ago our son had a devastating knee injury that carried a high rate of disability. In addition, he developed something called compartment syndrome, which carried a high rate of amputation. Our home-town surgeon had only seen three such injuries in his entire career. He told us our son would be disabled and faced developing early arthritis. As our son remained in ICU, we were warned of his poor prognosis.

Then, a miracle happened - Dr. Widmann from HSS returned my call at 11:30 at night and arranged our son’s transfer to NY Presbyterian Hospital. By morning top surgeons from Hospital for Special Surgery came to NYP to begin reconstructing his knee. Dr. Anil Ranawat repaired the multi-ligament injuries he sustained and Dr. Lorich repaired his tibial plateau fracture. Both Dr. Lorich and Dr. Ranawat were wonderful – Dr. Ranawat had much more involvement with our son because he had to reconstruct the ligaments in stages. He and his PA, Priya, were always available. Dr. Lorich assured us our son would walk again. He gave us hope – he had repaired injuries like this before.

After reconstruction, which takes about a year, our son was able to walk again, up to a few miles a day. As expected (although he is only a teenager), he developed early osteoarthritis of the knee – a common outcome following a dislocated knee with a tibial plateau fracture. This is where Dr. Wickiewicz comes in – he’s a wonderful orthopedic surgeon from HSS who specializes in osteoarthritis of the knee. Luckily, we didn’t have to look far to find him. He has already performed one surgery on our son’s knee which greatly improved his ability to walk further and with less pain.

In addition to these wonderful surgeons, Dr. Ngeow from HSS Pain Management, has cared for our son. Dr. Ngeow has been compassionate and knowledgeable in finding solutions to arthritis and nerve pain. He too, is always available and takes time to listen. My son would not be walking had he not received the care of these four dedicated doctors. Although his injury will impact the rest of life, it is reassuring to know he will receive the best care and have the best outcome for someone with this type of injury. Thank you Dr. Ranawat, Dr. Lorich. Dr. Wickiewicz, and Dr. Ngeow.