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Samuel Brooks

Bronx, NY
  • Samuel Brooks in the photo 1
  • Samuel Brooks in the photo 2
  • Samuel Brooks in the photo 3

My story is simple. For a number of years I had difficulties during my routine weightlifting program. More specifically, I was having difficulties lifting light weights with a sharp and direct pain in my left shoulder. In addition to that, about two years ago I started to run and over the past two year a sharp pain would hit me on my left knee. So I started to research and spoke to several folks who recommended I have HSS take a look at both my shoulder and knee. Last year I started to gain a bit of weight as I could no longer run and make it to the gym because of the excruciating pain. So in November of 2015 I decided to visit HSS and Dr. Moira McCarthy was the one who operated on my Medial Meniscus Tear. The surgery was so successful that a month later in December of 2015 I had her operate yet again on my right shoulder to correct a Rotator Cuff Tear. I have been back in the gym since March of this year and lost about 15 pounds, I am now able to lift heavier weights just like I did 10 years ago. This was only possible because of the work Dr. McCarthy and the team of HSS.