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Robert (Al) Capasso

Islip, NY
  • Robert (Al) Capasso in the photo 1
  • Robert (Al) Capasso in the photo 2
  • Robert (Al) Capasso in the photo 3

I would like to thank Doctor James F. Wyss and Hospital for Special Surgery for preventing invasive surgery on my shoulder, as the Veterans Administration Hospital wanted to do. I am a Vietnam veteran and without medical insurance. Convincingly, I encouraged the V.A. to allow me to be part of this scientific research with Doctor Wyss in this experimental medical procedure. For this reason, I am extremely grateful to the Northport V.A. Hospital allowing me to take this chance.

However it was Doctor Wyss, will all his studies and excellent pin-point accuracy, injecting my own Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) directly into my injured tears of my rotator cuff, ligaments to my bicep and pictorial major tendons, and rear deltoid muscle with such medical acuity that all my injuries were relieved of fifty-percent of my excruciating pain in five days, and completely without pain two weeks after. Although, I will say that the first day, after the injections, I was in worse pain than before, but it was well worth it.

My injuries were most likely caused by heavy weight lifting and too many “dry-fires” in my 22 years of practicing martial arts that prevented me from training for almost two years after my multiple tears. This past year I could barely lift fifteen pounds over my head with my right arm, without cringing in pain, so I had to stop training completely. I was very depressed about that since I have been weight training since I was ten years of age.

Just as Doctor Wyss said, within two months I was back in the gym, and within six months I am now pressing one hundred-five pounds, six times with my right arm, without any pain what so ever. I am so pleased with my results that I would strongly recommend Doctor James Wyss to everyone without hesitation for PRP therapy. It’s like a scientific miracle performed by the best student of medicine that I have ever come across in all my 67 years. Thank you ever so much Doctor Wyss, I am completely healed without surgery and remain indebted to you.


Robert (Al) Capasso