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Penelope Rose

Fort Myers, FL
  • Penelope Rose in the photo 1

I was diagnosed with polymyalgia rhumatica and giant cell arteritis in 2021. By the time my flight arrived in New York from Fort Myers, I was unable to walk. I was in a wheelchair and my entire body was in excruciating pain. When I got to HSS and had to change to be examined by Dr. Anne Bass, I was screaming in pain and was not able to lift my arms or move my legs. The nurse came in to help me. The pain was unbearable all over my entire body and I was crying. That day, Dr. Bass had prescribed a medicine to kickstart my ability to walk and move my arms. Within 72 hours, I was walking again. Dr. Anne Bass literally saved my life. I have continued to be her patient today in 2015. I would not be here today if it was not for the way Dr. Bass managed my healthcare at HSS. Today I can ride one of my horses around the property, go to Switzerland at the top of the Alps every year, and lead a normal life. I am forever grateful to Dr. Bass and the wonderful staff at HSS.