I had a PAO surgery with Dr. Sink and 4.5 months later I am using one crutch and getting better. From the moment I woke up I had zero pain at my original site. I stayed in the hospital 5 days and it has been a grueling and very slow recovery. Dr. Sink's team of PAs have adjusted medication when needed and have answered all my questions. My hospital stay was quite wonderful minus the hip pain when trying to get up. All the nurses helped and were very understanding. My physical therapist is the absolute best. Not only because she’s an awesome person and we get along very well but because she knows exactly what to do when I am in pain or have tweaked my hip in some way. I have had about 4 setbacks due to lifting something too heavy, moving too quickly, bending for longer that I should have or trying to get off my one crutch too fast. Each time I came into my session via Virtual Care I was truthful and she knew EXACTLY how to help me each time. I would not be as far as I am today without her. She emails me all the exercises to do and is incredibly flexible when it comes to scheduling around my work & kids' schedule. Virtual Care works for me and I am happy this service was provided due to the current pandemic. I would never be as far along as I am today without Virtual Care and my physical therapist.