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Marc Culver

Norwalk, CT
  • Marc Culver in the photo 1
  • Marc Culver in the photo 2

After spending all of my 20's as a runner and triathlete I suddenly came down with acute ankle pain following the 2007 NYC Marathon. Three orthopedic doctors later, I finally was referred to Martin O'Malley at HSS.

Immediately Martin diagnosed me with Avascular Necrosis of the talus (ankle) bone. My left ankle was basically dying from within and turning into wet kitchen sponge-like consistency at age 28. Several procedures later, including a grueling ankle distraction, Martin and I made the decision to go ahead and fuse the joint in the fall of 2012.

The unknown was scary. I was 32 and all I knew was that I was losing the functionality of my ankle for the rest of my life. But Martin was not just my doctor; he was my partner and coach through the process. I often questioned if I would be able to walk pain free or live an active healthy lifestyle again. He always assured me that I would one day be able to put the pain of the past behind me. Though I cannot physically run (thank you six screws and a metal plate), I have taken up the sport of road cycling in a whole new manner. Last season I rode over 1,400 miles with a goal this year to approach 2,000 miles.

Let's not forget, my little guys (4 year old twins) are happy daddy can play with them pain free.

So thank you to Martin, Missy, Tisha and the crew at HSS for getting me "Back in the Game".

Marc Culver