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Louis Cook

Staten Island, NY
  • Louis Cook in the photo 1

My first appointment for evaluation was with Dr. John P. DiFiori. After evaluating my goals and my history and examination he recommended hip resurfacing and recommended me to Dr. Edwin P. Su. Both doctors explained the difference between a full hip replacement and a hip resurfacing. The hip resurfacing was the best option for me to help me achieve my goals of health, fitness, and overall wellness. I then proceeded to plan for my hip resurfacing surgery with Dr. Edwin P. Su. Everything from beginning to end was orchestrated excellently. Dr. Su is a highly skilled surgeon in his specialty and highly recommended. I had no complications and recovered with no pain within 2 weeks. The first week I walked with crutches. The second week I walked with a cane. From the third week on I walked freely with no assistance. Dr. Su gave me a goal of walking at least 4 miles within 4 weeks after my surgery and I walked over 20 miles. It has now been 4 months since my surgery, I have no restrictions, and I'm back to my regular fitness schedule, I played nine rounds of golf, and I will play the last final golf tour of this season in October. I'm thankful and blessed to have had Dr. Su especially, and his staff, wonderfully working in concert together. I thank God first for giving me my quality of life back and for leading me to HSS. Very Truly Yours, Louis Cook (Luigi)