Decades of athletics including ballet, gymnastics, running, and martial arts, deteriorated my hip joints. I struggled with increasing pain, a noticeable limp, and inability to participate in the activities I love. Never having had surgery and worried about how life would be on the other 'side,' I delayed surgery until I was unable to walk a block without my hip being ablaze with pain. Fast forward, it's now six and half weeks after THR surgery with Dr. McLawhorn, one day after my 60th birthday, and I am pain-free! The surgery is life changing as I am slowly returning to the physically active version of myself. Today was my first day doing planks and abdominals. Check out the bicycle crunch. Yah! A mega thank you goes to Dr. McLawhorn and team whose expertise made this easier than I could have imagined. Dr. McLawhorn is a master belt in my book.