I had been advised to have a bilateral knee replacement for close to 10 years now. I injured myself playing squash 20 years ago and I have had two arthroscopic knee surgeries since then.
I finally made a decision to have a bilateral TKR as my condition had deteriorated to the point that it was hard to walk for just two blocks. Dr. Alexander McLawhorn performed the surgery on February 1st and I cannot express enough how happy I am that I decided to have this operation done.
I stayed at HSS for 5 days and 4 nights. Everyone at the hospital from Dr. McLawhorn, to the nurses who took care of me, to the hospital facilities personnel showed a level of professionalism that I have rarely seen anywhere.
I also want to thank my physical therapist team: Katherine Wilson, who has taken such good care of me and constantly encouraged me to get better and to Jane Chin, an intern, who pushed me and made sure I was performing my exercises correctly.
Tomorrow will be 10 weeks since my operation and while I am already "functional", my goal is to be back as I was before my injury. I want to have full range of motion. I am determined to get 135 degrees range of motion back. By the way today I routinely walk about 3 miles a day.