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Kayley Angele

Waldwick, NJ
  • Kayley Angele in the photo 1

It was the last run of the night, last jump of the run and I was the last one in the train of friends skiing down the slope. I had landed the jump with ease several times earlier that night. But this time around, something went awry and after going off the jump, I ended up on the ground with only one ski and one pole. I couldn't move my shoulder and assumed I had hit a nerve during the fall. I kept trying to move it and finally was able to regain movement which was accompanied by a rather significant amount of pain. With the help of two kind strangers, my ski and pole were returned to me and I skied down the mountain and ended my night. I later realized that I had in fact dislocated and then relocated my shoulder. I figured that since my shoulder was now back in place, I was fine. Unsurprisingly, I was not fine. I had torn my labrum which led to 2 more dislocations within the year. I was an 18 year old varsity athlete and couldn't fathom the idea of having a bum dominant shoulder for the rest of my life. My mother did some research and found that HSS is the #1 orthopedic hospital. We wanted the best and we definitely got the best. Thanks to Dr. Cordasco my surgery and recovery was painless and my shoulder is as good as new. Post surgery I've been able to throw a ball full force, join a rowing team, and do pushups without pain or difficulty! Thank you HSS for getting me back in the game :)