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Katherine Tomasso

Basking Ridge, NJ
  • Katherine Tomasso in the photo 1

I came into the world with congenital hip dysplasia, but I have no memory of even though I wore a cast until 4 yrs. It wasn't fully aware of the extent of the issue until I reached my twenties, when another NYC, not affiliated with HSS wanted to do surgery. He looked at me as though I was a science project, so I fled, found yoga which helped me stay healthy and happy for many years. But as the years progressed I became unable to walk far at all without major pain and limping.

So I abandoned my ideas to cure and endure my hip issues, just with yoga., and by the grace of god I found Dr. Della Valle and the HSS. Today I am grateful for so many things, including a pain free existence. And I am especially grateful that my yoga practice will continue as the healing gift that it truly is. My experience with HSS is a blessing. The best thing about the follow up visits to HSS was the joyful look on the face of Dr. Della Valle when I showed him my yoga practice post-op. :)