I had been having knee pain with swelling for many years. I finally went to an orthopedist near home for his diagnosis. He did recommend a knee replacement but at the time, I shrugged it off thinking he probably says this to a lot of patients. I then opted for knee injections of Euflexxa. I continued with these shots for four years. Did they help me? No, but I felt I was doing something for my knee... Four years later, I was at the point of not being able to walk without excruciating pain. Getting in and out of a car was awful. After sitting, I had to stand for a few seconds before starting to walk.. My leg was so crooked as my daughter pointed out to me in a picture. My ankles were 12" apart. My leg was in the shape of a "K". I went from being a very active person to becoming sedentary. My quality of life was not how I wanted it.. I then decided to do something about it. Dr. Geoffrey Westrich was recommended to me. I got an appointment within two weeks. He said my knee was pretty bad and I should have done something about sooner than later!! So, my surgery was scheduled for the following month..November 5, 2013) After hearing all these horror stories for many years, I didn't know what to expect. My surgery went very well. The physical therapy at my home went well, also. Then on to out-patient therapy whereby my knee became stronger. After just four weeks, I was back to feeling like myself again. I am now climbing stairs "like a normal person" I am back to walking three to four miles a day. Before my knee became too bad, my routine was to walk five miles a day. This is what I missed the most..I am happy beyond expectations with the results of my surgery. My leg is also straight and my ankles can now touch each other!!! If I had to have the other knee replaced (which I don't at this time), I wouldn't think for a second of having it done. For everyone out there who is hesitating about having this surgery, just DO IT and get back to living again... I would highly recommend the Hospital for Special Surgery. It is the only place I would think of having this or any orthopedic surgery done...Thank you again, Dr. Westrich for your expertise and for being the wonderful doctor and person that you are.!!