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Jill Kleczko

New York, NY
  • Jill Kleczko in the photo 1
  • Jill Kleczko in the photo 2

Some have said that I’m a miracle - I just think I am working with a miracle surgeon (Dr. William Ricci) & physical therapy team (Sophie Grigaux - see 1st picture of us) at HSS!

2025 is the Year to Thrive, and I am Back in the Game - brought back from a polytrauma, near-death accident (see 2nd picture). My HSS team has helped me get Back in the Game of life while being under terrific care, healing, walking again (see YouTube video link), having a full recovery, and back working at a job I love in clinical trials management.

On November 26, 2024, I was walking from the NYC subway to work. I was one block away when I was struck and run over twice by an SUV. I was brought to the hospital, where Dr. Ricci and the orthopedic trauma team went to work. I had experienced polytrauma and fractured over 10 bones in my body (pelvis, left tibial plateau, left and right scapulas, several ribs, several vertebrae, etc). Two surgeries later by Dr. Ricci on my pelvis and left tibial plateau, I was on the mend. I spent a month in the hospital, and shortly thereafter began physical therapy at HSS.

My story - the HSS surgical and medical teams who have helped me get Back in the Game as well as family and friends - is a story that I hope inspires people to take a positive disposition and look at the bright side while confronting such orthopedic trauma.

This story will continue into the future - I look forward to resuming all physical activities under HSS' care - SoulCycle spin class, Pickleball, aerial yoga, etc. - and certainly am 100% thankful for the care I continue to receive at HSS!