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James Powell

New York, NY
  • James Powell in the photo 1
  • James Powell in the photo 2
  • James Powell in the photo 3
  • James Powell in the photo 4
  • James Powell in the photo 5
  • James Powell in the photo 6

On Sunday 4/20/14 I suffered an Anterior Cruciate Ligament injury in addition to a lateral and medial meniscus tear while competing in a flag football tournament. I met with Dr. Anil Ranawat on Tuesday of that week and Thursday of the same week I had my surgery. It's been a process getting back to where I am today and I must admit never having dealt with an injury before I was very skeptical about ever returning to the active and physical lifestyle I had from running marathons, basketball, football, swimming, biking, and just playing around with my kids. But through the continued follow up, communication, and care shown by Dr. Ranawat and HSS, just 2 and a half months after surgery, I was back to work on full duty while continuing my rehab with the best Physical Therapist in the business (Jesscia Hettler) and drawing ever closer to the lifestyle that predated my injury. I have to add that rather than just remove my lateral meniscus (which was shredded), Dr. Anil Ranawat decided to go against the norm, notwithstanding the low percentage of lateral meniscus repairs, and attempt to repair it. And as of present day, I can't thank him enough for salvaging it because not only did I return to flag football, basketball, and weight training, but it is almost as if I haven't missed a step, competing at a high level not only with those within my age range, but the likes of those 10-15 years younger than me. So I'll end with this: much like George Zimmer of Men's Wearhouse would say "you are going to like the way you look", I would have to say of HSS "you are going to love the way you feel" getting "Back in the Game".