Jacqueline Fleming

Easton, CT
  • Jacqueline Fleming in the photo 1

    Last week was the 1-year anniversary of my first metatarsal phalangeal (MTP) joint fusion of the right foot to treat painful, debilitating and progressive hallux rigidus. When I first met Dr. Cody, I told her that my goal was to return to my adventurous family’s lifestyle and to keep up with my 8 year old son. We had plans to go glacier hiking in Alaska that summer and I wasn’t ready at 42 years old to just accept that this was it. She wasn’t kidding when she told me that I needed to give her at least six months and I quickly realized she doesn’t mince words. The first two weeks were the hardest. The first three months were a real challenge. But as my bone continued to heal, and I put the work in on my balance at PT, the next six months things started to fall into place. I had a banner summer. We went hiking. I got back on a bike. I bought new platform sandals and hiking boots. I felt like I was back and ready to submit my Back in the Game story. But as I hit my one year mark, I realized that my Back in the Game story is one I don’t have on my camera roll. It’s walking my son to the school bus in the morning. It’s taking my dogs for a walk. It’s shoe shopping. It’s the everyday things that you take for granted until your body doesn’t work the way you need it to. I’m eternally grateful that Dr. Cody took the time to work with me as a partner in my own healthcare to make the decision that was right for me. Thank you.