Itamar Oron

New York, NY

In college, I injured my back swimming and the pain became so bad that I couldn't function. I love sports - I'm a huge sports fanatic. So when that injury happened it took a huge toll on everything I could do. By the end of the semester, I was spending most of my time in bed. Finally, I left college and flew home to get treatment in New York.

The treatment was solely focused on my lower back - medication, physical therapy, acupuncture, the chiropractor. None of it worked. I was worried I was never going to get better.

When I finally got to HSS, it felt like I had found the answer to my pain. My doctor, Dr. Cyril, immediately asked me about my hips, as opposed to every other doctor who only asked me about my back. Getting an accurate diagnosis gave me hope for the first time. With Dr. Cyril's help, I was able to graduate college on time. It feels like there's this massive weight off my shoulders, both emotionally and physically.