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Gary Schechter

New York, NY
  • Gary Schechter in the photo 1

I have had a very intense athletic background, playing baseball, hockey, tournament racquetball, golf and a variety of other sports. In 2007 and again in 2010 I had to have each hip replaced as the pain and arthritis in my family eventually took it's toll. These procedures were both performed by Dr. Mathias Bostrom.

Recovery from both surgeries were not very difficult in my opinion, but in the back of my mind, I had always thought my knee, which had two prior arthroscopies, would go first. However, for the next 8 years I was back playing racquetball, golf, biking and a new sport, four-wall handball.

Unfortunately, in early 2018, I felt my knee was getting to the point where it would need replacement. So, on August 1st of that year, my trusted partner, Dr. Bostrom who had confirmed those thoughts, performed a right knee replacement.

Recovery from this was much more intense and involved than my prior surgeries, but I had a "PT Angel", Marlena Albanese, in the physical therapy department. She was so patient and encouraging that I don't know if I'd be where I am now without her. Marlena showed me exercises that I never would have thought of in a million years, all of which were unique and focused on flexibility and strength. With her help, I played my first round of golf in mid-November, just about 3 1/2 months after surgery. I am also biking longer and stronger than ever and playing four-wall hand ball twice a week! I feel like I'm in the best shape I've been in since high school!

HSS is a special place, made that way because of the way they treat their patients and the dedication of the people who work there!