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Frank Rubino

Staten Island, NY


My name is Frank Rubino I'm 57 years old, I'm writing to thank Doctor Parks, his staff and everyone at Hospital for Special Surgery that were involved in my knee replacement recovery process. Throughout my personal/family and work life I set and achieved many goals. Approximately ten years ago I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Each year, from the fist year I was diagnosed, I watched my activity level decrease and recently was unable to walk properly without the aid of a knee brace. Wearing a brace daily slowly caused the muscles in my leg to become weak. Performing chores at home and exercising became very difficult.

It has only been six short weeks after my surgery and I feel great. I'm walking without a brace or cane and can walk up and down a flight of steps without a aid.

Thank you Doctor Parks for giving the opportunity to get back in the game!