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Darrell Lawrence

New York, NY
  • Darrell Lawrence in the photo 1
  • Darrell Lawrence in the photo 2

I have been a musician (Drummer by trade) most all my life, and played college Football before becoming a firefighter afterward. Bone spurs formed in my shoulders from over 20 years of constant pressure on them from sports then heavy equipment and rescues as a "first responder." Doctor Answorth Allen repaired a total sever in my left shoulder in 2002, and recommended I get get the right side done as well. But with a music career newly emerging , and mounting responsibilities that required travel, I couldn't find the time. Needless to say as the severed cuff tissue in my right shoulder deteriorated and retracted, I suffered tremendously. So, in 2014 I decided to make my body over completely, became a cross fitness participant and went back to Dr. Allen for the surgery. He was realistic about what the success rate might be, but I was determined to get back the 100% strength and range of motion I possessed well into my 30s.

The operation was performed on me in October of 2014. The pictures attached are shot taken 3 months later.