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Daniel Spina

Briarcliff Manor, NY
  • Tumor
  • Daniel Spina in the photo 1

My name is Daniel Spina, and I want to share my journey of coping with an extremely painful benign tumor called an osteoid osteoma. This all began when I was 20 years old, at the start of my junior year at the University of New Hampshire. Before this ordeal, I was one of the most active people I knew - playing tennis, basketball, weightlifting - you name it, I was doing it!

One morning, as I headed to class, I felt a sharp soreness on the outer portion of my left knee. At first, I dismissed it as minor discomfort, but the pain only intensified over the next few days. I began to wonder if I had bruised a bone or pulled a muscle.

Fast forward a few weeks, and the pain had escalated from a nuisance to a constant ache that kept me up at night. Little did I know, this was just the beginning of a long and difficult journey. Finally, home for Thanksgiving break, I visited a local clinic in Yonkers, NY. After a few minor tests, I was advised to receive a cortisone shot. At the time, I had no idea how risky that could be for my health, especially for a 20-year-old.

The next ten months felt like putting a bandage on a bullet hole. The cortisone shot worked initially, relieving my pain entirely. I thought I was back to normal, but about eleven months later, the pain returned with a vengeance. What had once kept me awake at night now left me immobilized. I could no longer play tennis, basketball, or enjoy the activities that once brought me joy. Every night became a painful routine of sleeplessness and discomfort.

Realizing I needed a more effective solution than cortisone shots, I sought help at various hospitals in New York. Despite undergoing numerous tests, all three reported no structural damage, suggesting I was merely experiencing inflammation. I was sent to physical therapy, but that only exacerbated my condition. Heavy lifting three times a week was supposed to strengthen my leg, yet it only resulted in more pain.

After two more years of relentless agony and daily NSAID use, my grandmother recommended HSS. I had heard of them before, but thought they were only for advanced procedures. To my relief, I was able to book an appointment in Westchester with Dr. Warren Young. He conducted several tests and referred me to Manhattan for a CT scan. For the first time, I felt hopeful; someone truly understood the extent of my pain.

The results revealed a 1 mm benign tumor, an osteoid osteoma, growing on my tibia. I felt an immense weight lift from my shoulders. I turned to Google to learn more about osteoid osteomas, discovering that they typically cause a dull, aching pain that can worsen at night—often unrelated to activity. Many people endure this pain for years before receiving a proper diagnosis.

I finally felt a glimmer of hope. HSS had done what no one else could. I scheduled a radiofrequency ablation with Dr. Edward Yoon. The procedure was quick and straightforward. Having never received anesthesia before, I was nervous, but the entire staff was incredible. Afterward, I was able to walk out of the hospital with a simple six-week recovery ahead of me.

Now, at 28 years old, I’m living a happy and healthy life once more. Everything I thought I’d never be able to do is now part of my daily routine. I am immensely grateful to HSS for restoring my life and happiness. I would recommend them without hesitation to anyone in a similar situation!