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Cathleen Donnelly

Stamford, CT
  • Cathleen Donnelly in the photo 1

I took a weekend fall that resulted in a broken wrist and fractured shoulder. After initial (excellent) emergency room treatment at Stamford Hospital, I was referred to Dr. Dowdle and, subsequently, Dr. Cirino. Thanks to Dr. Dowdle's concerned and hyper-efficient office manager, I was able to see both docs on the Monday following my accident. Dr. Dowdle's office scheduled wrist surgery for Wednesday (successful). After careful evaluation and discussion, Dr. Cirino recommended nonoperative healing for the shoulder injury - much to my relief. Both doctors provided well-considered, expert care and advice, and I'm indebted to them both.

Much credit for my recovery goes to two first-rate physical therapists, Sarah Giacalone and Thomas Cunningham, whose skill, patience, and good humor helped speed the healing and made weeks of therapy during the cold winter months go quickly.