Carolyne Saltzbart

Colts Neck, NJ

While wintering in Florida this past season I developed a pain in my left leg and two weeks into the pain, I had difficulty walking. In fact, I had to use a cane to assist in walking. After seeing three physicians (an internist, an orthopedist, and a pain doctor) I was told that I had a lumbar problem and an epidural injection was prescribed. I decided it was time to see Dr. Mayman and when I called his office I was given an appointment and flew home to see him. Arrangements were made by his staff for me to have x-rays which were in his office when I arrived an hour later. Even I, with no medical training, could see that my left hip was very arthritic and so different from my right hip. Dr. Mayman did not have to convince me that I needed hip replacement. I wanted it so that I would be able to walk again. Luckily for me, we were able to schedule surgery for two weeks later.

Coordination among all the necessary departments of the hospital was amazing and Dr. Mayman's staff went to work getting me all the pre-operative appointments I needed in the next week. Two weeks and one day after my initial appointment with him surgery was performed!

Recovery in the hospital was remarkably easy. Nurses were attentive; my every need was attended to with haste. I remarked to my family that I cannot believe that anyone would have orthopedic surgery anywhere but here. In two days I was on my way and prepared to recover in my own home.

All I wanted was to be able to walk again. Last week (90 days after surgery) I walked more than two miles on a hilly hiking trail and the week before I was able to walk on the beach in the sand. For at least two years prior to surgery I was experiencing pain when I tried to walk more than a block, but I thought it was due to old age. Even getting up to go to the coffee pot for a second cup in the morning was too hard to do. Now I know what I should have known. I didn't have to give up the pleasures that walking gives you...I could have had the surgery earlier. Thank you, thank you to Dr. Mayman, his staff, the people at the hospital who made my recovery possible. I am thrilled with my new life at 82 years old. I feel like I am 50 again.

Carolyne Saltzbart