Seven years ago while commuting to home on the subway after work, I felt a twinge in my foot as I was standing on the train. The next day, I couldn't get out of bed due to the pain. Subsequent evaluations revealed a torn post tibial tendon by several orthopedic surgeons. The protocol described to me was both harrowing and would require extensive recuperation and time off from work, so I delayed the procedure until I was retired and had the free time to recuperate. So, for 7 years I hobbled around with a limp and constant pain when I walked. I had the surgery performed at the beginning of July 2018 and it involved a complete flat foot reconstruction requiring tendon replacement and hamstring modification. I was not able to go full weightbearing for several months. Only in the November/December timeframe did I consider myself fully ambulatory. I am now scheduled for my final post-op visit in June 2019. I am extremely satisfied with the outcome and cannot complement HSS staff enough for their professionalism and expertise. Kudos to Dr. D. et. al.